
Segmented dry core drill bit

A core drilling bit used. GUSHI drill bit for metal is made of various metals and metal drill. On a cylindrical diamond cutting tools body due inlay tungsten carbide cutting welded with the name. Its shape and the number of drill inserts welded carbide cutting tools, the arrangement, inserts welded different angles, called the end of the blade, the blade within the blade and go out to ensure that there is a gap in water and drain through powder. The upper part of the body is threaded connection arix core drill bit core pipe, drill a sink open side of the body, the surface of the bottom lip also opened outlets. Sink and outlet are guaranteed circulation of fluid, reaching exclusion of rock dust and cool the drill bit role. In order to increase the gap in the inner and outer sidewalls of the hard alloy welded drill when drilling clay and shale formations ribs, said ribs drill bit. In hard abrasive formations can be used with high-autogenous grinding tungsten carbide drill bits. Generally hard alloy drill for drilling rock drillability grade Ⅱ Ⅶ a formation; tungsten carbide electroplated core drill bit can drill a Ⅷ level Ⅵ rock.

